The word is out: horses really are for courses.
Interest in cooking with horsemeat has been piqued by the recent horsemeat scandal, with butchers across the UK reporting customers curious to try it for themselves. Destined to become a firm favourite, horse is galloping onto the nation's menus.
Across the world it is considered a delicacy, a lean and delicious meat and a great addition to a stable diet. So the time has come to take the reins and get cooking: The Horsemeat Cookbook is a fun, light-hearted recipe book aimed at the gift book market and those interested in cooking with this healthy, low-calorie meat.
Recipes will include classics such as the Italian Pastissada de Caval and Pot-au-feu de cheval, a traditional French horse stew; Yuk Hui, a Korean raw horse salad; and Beshbarmak, the national dish of Khazakhstan.
Complete with information on nutritional benefits, cooking times and guides on which cuts to use for which dish, with The Horsemeat Cookbook your family and dinner guests will be chomping at the bit for more. And along with all that, there are even some horsemeat jokes thrown in for good measure.