lnfonnation technology is about more than computers. Thus, it was a recurring-and rather infuriating-aspect of the early discussions on infonnation technology that those who participated tended either to ignore or to severely understate the role in infonnation technology of telecommunications. This very fine book by Ken Grover goes a long way toward correcting that misconception. However important the computer and computer-based equipment might be, the role of telecommunications equip ment has also been and continues to be significant. Moreover, as the author brings out, it is going to be even more important. As this enthralling story unfolds the reader will find him or herself continually remarking that there cannot be more-but again and again, there is. Those who are already of the world of telecommunications will, on reading this work, be proud of their colleague. Those who are already of the world of computers will learn a great deal and, it is to be hoped, will in future be fairer toward telecommunications than they have been in the past. Those who are new to the world of information technology will sally forth better balanced than most.