Presents the following articles:
Karin Blomqvist, Reading, Learning and Discussing. Being a Student at Athens in the Early Roman Empire;
Sven-Olav Back, On the Areopagus Speech and its Reception in Second-Century Apologetics;
Jerker Blomqvist, Apologetics and Rhetoric in the Ad Diognetum;
Dimitrios Karadimas, Justin's Dialogue with Trypho Revisited: Philosophy, Rhetoric and the Defence of the Christian Faith;
Anni Maria Laato, The Trophy and the Unicorn - Two Images of the Cross of Christ in Justin Martyr's Texts, with Special Regard to Reception History;
Nicu Dumitrascu, Reconsidering Anthropology: A Note on Soul and Body in the Thinking of Justin Martyr;
Anders-Christian Jacobsen, What has Athenagoras to do with Athens? A Geography of Athenagoras’ Life and Thought;
Pablo Argárate, The Doctrine of God in Athenagoras 'Legatio;
Serafim Seppälä, Aristides and Athenagoras of Athens on Angels: From Christian-Jewish Polemics towards Universalism;
Gunnar af Hällström, Providence (Pronoia) in the Early Apologists and Creeds;
Aspasia Kaloudi, The Characteristics of Greek Religion According to Origen’s Contra Celsum.