Articles: Björn Forsén: The Emerging settlement patterns of the Kokytos valley, Sjoerd J. Kluiving & al.: Multi-proxy analysis of lake sediments in Thesprotia and its implications for the palaeoclimatic history, Ruben Lelivelt: A Lithological analysis of holocene lake sediments in the Kalodiki fen, Björn Forsén & al.: Catalogue of sites in the central Kokytos valley, Christina Papoulia: Mikro Karvounari in context: the new lithic collection and its implications for middle palaeolithic hunting activities, Stefanos Ligkovanlis: Megalo Karvounari revisited, Tommi Turmo: The Sevasto house: architecture and finds, Mikko Suha: Further observations on the hellenistic fortifications in the Kokytos valley, Asterios Aidonis: Hellenistic cremation burial practices: an anthropological study of Thesprotian graves, Björn Forsén & Paul Reynolds: An Early closed deposit at the roman villa of Agios Donatos, Janne Ikäheimo: Italian sigillata from Agios Donatos, Jaenette Lindblom: Glass from Agios Donatos, Vivi Deckwirth: A Tower of meals: trenches a and f of Agios Donatos, Tuukka Talvio: The Coin finds, Jaennette Forsén, Paul Reynolds & Anna Patteri: The Middle to late roman find assemblage from Darda, Mika Hakkarainen: Vittoria dei veneziani sui Turchi in Albania : history of an event, Evangelia Balta, Mustafa Oguz & Filiz Yasar: The Ethnic and religious composition of ottoman Thesprotia in the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries.