This volume contains progress papers in atmospheric ozone research which were presen- ted at the Ouadrennial Ozone symposium held in Greece from 3 to 7 September, 1984. These pa- pers are grouped in nine chapters corresponding to the nine sessions of the symposium. The Editors proVide the following summary of the highlights for each chapter; this summary has been prepared after consulting the papers submitted for publication as well as session summa- ries kindly provided by the following session chairmen: R. Bojkov, H. DOtsch, P. Fabian, J. Hai- gh, I. Isaksen, L. Kaplan, K. KOnzi, J. London, H. Mantis, C. Mateer, A. Matthews, G. Megie and J. Russell. Chapter 1 entitled: Chemical -radiative -dynamical model calculations includes results from recent developments in modeling techniques. The chapter begins with the results from a two -dimensional model using isentropic coordinates. With prescribed diabatic heating rates and a judicious choice of eddy diffusion coefficients this method can produce realistic fields of several stratospheric species.
Three dimensional model simulations come next which demon- strate ozone transport by the stationary and transient components of the flow and emphasize the role of wave transport of ozone during a sudden stratospheric warming. The problem of chemical model validation is addressed in several different approaches.