Learn what marketing practices can positively impact behavior
The success of the application of commercial marketing practices to change behavior for the betterment of society and the individual is getting more attention. Social Marketing: Advances in Research and Theory explores the use of social marketing through a variety of effective approaches. Chapters examine case studies and qualitative research to gain insight into the adoption of marketing practices to enable social change. This superb collection of top presentations from the SMART (Social Marketing Advances in Research and Theory) inaugural conference held in 2004 in Alberta, Canada provides examples of the latest commercial marketing practices to change behavior such as programs to encourage people to quit smoking or increase seat belt usage.
Social Marketing: Advances in Research and Theory presents top experts who provide a wide variety of specific examples explaining ways to enable social marketing to positively impact behavior. This helpful resource provides a broad, useful understanding of this unique type of marketing and its goals. Chapters offer extensive references and detailed tables and figures to clearly present data.
Topics in Social Marketing: Advances in Research and Theory include:
a case study on approaches to anti-doping behavior in sports
a case study reviewing the evolution of the Canadian Heritage anti-racism campaign
applying social marketing concepts to increase capacity of programs in a state health department
research into a recycling promotion technique
using Internet technology to study the impact of anti-smoking messages
issues involved in the voluntary change in behavior of automobile users
charity support behaviors
Social Marketing: Advances in Research and Theory is an insightful resource valuable to academics and practitioners interested in social marketing, or anyone working with nonprofits to change individual behavior and better society.