Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-91 Student Book is part of Oxford's Edexcel GCSE History series. This textbook series provides the most up-to-date Edexcel exam practice and a tried-and-trusted accessible approach to help students get the best grades they are capable of, and enjoy their history lessons.
This textbook is written as part of our commitment to the inclusive presentation of diverse histories, and developed by a team of practising teachers with Edexcel examining experience and led by Aaron Wilkes, head of history, PGCE History lead and trusted author. This period study takes a closer look at the relations between East and West over a 50-year period, the events that led to the Cold War crisis, and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.
Exam-style Questions, Nail it! features and carefully Sources and Interpretations help students prepare for their Edexcel exam. Meanwhile, Later On and Earlier On features help students make connections across time periods. How to...Exam Practice pages provide step-by-step, accessible ways to practise essential history skills.
Perfect for use alongside Kerboodle, which is packed full of auto-marked quizzes, exam practice, film clips of interviews with historians, and continuing exam support.