Oxford Revise Edexcel GCSE History: Crime and punishment in Britain, c1000-present is a complete revision and practice book covering the full topic specification. with everything you need to know to revise for this choice of period topic.
All key knowledge is clearly covered in one book, supported by case studies of crime and punishment from Medieval England right up to Modern Britain.
By working through the Knowledge - Retrieval - Practice sections, you will be using proven ways to revise, check and recall so that what you revise sticks.
Knowledge Organisers arrange the information you need to revise helping you to make connections with what you already know. Timelines and charts are used so that key information is presented in a meaningful way. An online glossary helps you to learn the definitions to key terms.
Use Retrieval questions to check that you have remembered what you have just revised before moving on. Regular retrieval questions help to combat the forgetting curve.
Finally, exam-style Practice questions give you loads of experience of the type of question you will face in your exam. This will strengthen your ability to recall and apply knowledge in their exams. All the answers to the practice questions as well as a helpful mark scheme are provided online.