This voLume describes the buLk metaL rhodium and its aLLoys with arsenic to ruthenium in accordance with the GmeLin system. The first section, pages 1 through 37, covers in detaiL the foLlowing properties of the metal: CrystaLlographic properties; seLt-diffusion; me- chanicaL properties (tensiLe properties, eLastic moduli, hardness, etc. ); thermaL properties (thermaL expansion, vapour pressure, specific heat, thermaL conductivity, etc. ); eLectricaL and magnetic properties (eLectric resistivity, superconductivity, HaLL effect, thermoeLectric force, magnetic susceptibiLity, etc. ); eLectrochemicaL behaviour and chemicaL reactions. A number of subject matters on metaLlic rhodium are aLready contained together with those of other pLatinum group metals in appropriate chapters of "PLatinum" SuppL. VoL. A 1, 1986. These incLude 1) preparation and eLectrodeposition, 2) zone-refining operations, and 3) chemicaL vapour deposition, sputtering, and thermaL evaporation. Likewise, "PLatinum" SuppL. VoL.
2, 1989, aL ready contains information on the 1) separa- tion and properties of the Rh isotopes, 2) physicaL properties of the Rh atom and the atomic 2 ions Rh+ and Rh +, 3) the formation of Rh cLusters, and 4) the moLecuLar properties of Rh * 2 The second and major portion of this voLume, pp. 38 to 273, deaLs with the physicaL and chemicaL properties of rhodium aLloys. Phase diagrams of a Large number of binary and muLticomponent systems are treated in detaiL as weLL as the crystaLlographic and other properties of many intermetalLic compounds.