This charming memoir-cum-cookbook, written by Margaret Wasserfall, tells of the influence of her redoubtable Scottish grandmother as she taught her about food and cooking. By drawing together the food memories of her childhood, cooking with her Scottish granny, and making trips into town to shop for food, Margaret reflects on how different life once was. It was a time when a 25-liter paraffin tin of crayfish cost two shillings and sixpence. It was a time when the kitchen cupboard held a collection of tins filled with homemade cakes and biscuits for the household to snack on. Margaret also examines, through anecdotes and personal observations from the time, how a family with strong Scottish roots gradually changed their lives and their cooking to become a South African family. In these pages there are recipes that hark back to childhood and recall a time when the way people ate and the way they marked the passing of days was completely different from today.