The contents of this volume cover all the major activities associated with small-scale steelmaking in mini-steelworks (except Direct Reduction, on which two comprehensive volumes have recently appeared - see refs 11 & 12, Chapter 2). There is, of course, an immediate problem of agreeing on a suitable definition of mini-steelworks and the entrepreneurial nature of many businesses based on the mini-steelplant route compounds this problem. Nevertheless, as is shown by the lucid review in the opening chapter, it is quite possible to derive a working definition of a mini steelworks. The succeeding chapters deal with steelmaking in a linear fashion; a survey of raw materials supply being followed by independent analyses of arc furnace practice, casting and rolling. The volume is rounded off by a consideration of the important topics of energy costs and environmental factors. As anyone associated with iron and steelmaking well knows, the indus try is not the exclusive preserve of the metallurgist, although he plays a prominent role in its activities. For this reason, it is hoped that the level of treatment will commend the book to a wide readership. that includes non-metallurgical professionals in plant management and elsewhere, as well as industrial metallurgists. Lecturers in universities, polytechnics and colleges of further education should find this volume useful as a course reader for final year and postgraduate studies of steelmaking.