V monografii rassmotreny sledujuschie voprosy: primenenie kompleksnykh soedinenij dlja elektroosazhdenija splavov; sostavy rastvorov dlja ikh elektroosazhdenija; evoljutsija fiziko-khimicheskikh modelej, opisyvajuschikh uslovie sovmestnogo vosstanovlenija ionov; modeli, opisyvajuschie sostav splava i raspredelenie toka pri sovmestnom vosstanovlenii ionov; prognozirovanie obschikh uslovij elektroosazhdenija splavov; evoljutsija modelej vybora ligandov dlja sostavov rastvorov pri elektroosazhdenii splavov; prognozirovanie predpochtitelnoj oblasti obschikh kontsentratsij ionov metallov v rastvorakh dlja elektroosazhdenija splavov. Dlja nauchnykh i inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh rabotnikov, aspirantov i studentov, spetsializirujuschikhsja v oblasti elektroosazhdenija metallov i splavov. Following subjects are considered in the monograph: application of complexes for alloys electrodeposition; the baths composition for alloys electrodeposition; evolution of physicochemical models describing the condition of metals codeposition; models describing alloys composition and current distribution at codeposition of metals; forecasting of general conditions of alloys electrodeposition; models evolution of ligands selection for formulation of bath compositions at alloys electrodeposition; predicting preferable range of the total concentrations of metal ions in baths for alloys electrodeposition. Addressed to electrochemists, researchers, PhD-students, and student specializing in the field of electrodeposition of alloys and metals.