A cumulated subject index of the 17 volumes of Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries (ABHB) which have appeared to date, has been wanted for some time. It seemed appropriate not to wait for another couple of years, until a more rounded number of volumes, say twenty, were published. On the other hand, it is the intention to publish a new cumulated subject index after volume 25. This cumulation, as the subject indexes of the other individual volumes of ABHB, comprises personal and corporate names, titles of works, mainly of periodicals, and geographical names, in as far as they were recorded as subjects. ABHB does not provide a detailed topical index. The reader is directed to the broad subject classification, which is used in all volumes of ABHB. H.
VERVLIET a Veleslavina, Daniel Adam,S: 268 ABS-Arbeit in BUd und Zeit [D], 16: Abo [SF], 15: 2286-2287 2857 Aachen [D], 10: 1749, 2403; 11: Academia [SU], 5: 1293; 8: 1924; 1818; 13: 1808; 14: 420; 15: 11: 1417; 15: 1922-3; 16: 1685; 17: 1808 2285; 17: 2169, 3046 Aalborg [DK], 3: 1937a Academie de Calvin [CH], 2: 1433 Aalst [B], 6: 157, 1686 Academy of Sciences Press, Aamulehti [SF], 12: 2429; 13: 2440 Leningrad [SU], 11: 747 Aarau [CH], 12: 2110; 16: 1885 Ache, d', Louis, 8: 353 Aarflot, Sivert, 5: 561c Achelley, Thomas, 1: 1967 Aarhus [DK], 2: 1243; 8: 2289, Ackerknecht, Erwin, 6: 1318; 7: