An international symposium on Monetary Conditions for Economic Recovery was organised in Amsterdam from 14-16 November 1984 by the Department of Macroeconomics, Faculty of Economics of the University of Amsterdam, to honour its distinguished member, Professor G. A. Kessler, who had recently retired from his Chair of Monetary Econo mics. Experts on monetary theory and monetary policy from various parts of the world took part in the discussions on both the theoretical and practical aspects of the theme. The papers have been collected in this volume. Our debts in organizing the symposium and preparing this volume for publication are many. The symposium was financed through the support of a number of sponsors whose names have been listed on the next page. The Netherlands Bank accommodated the conference sessions. The organizing Committee owes much to the successful efforts of its members Jean Morreau, Casper van Ewijk and Annette Deckers. We are grateful to the President of the Netherlands Bank for his intro ductory speech on the work of Professor Kessler, which is included in this volume. Wouter Zant assisted in editing the volume for publication.