The Supramolecular Compounds refer to organised multi-molecular assemblies and associated phenomena. The stability and the properties of these compounds strongly involve structural three-dimensional (3D) information. The crystal itself can be considered as a giant supermolecule. Thus, a thorough understanding of crystal structures and crystal growth provides a unique information on the intermolecular interactions. Indeed, each crystal reflects in a particular way the recognition properties of molecules. More so, modern crystallography allows to study in detail two- or three-component crystalline solids in which the recognition processes can be seen from the structural standpoint. Crystallography of smaller and smaller single crystals, faster and faster experiments, time-resolved x-ray crystallography, are extremely potent source of physico-chemical information. The present Advanced Study Institute (A.S.I.) - which was planned five years ago as the 22nd Course of the International School of Crystallography (director: T. L. BLUNDELL), 1-11 June 1995, E.
Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy - is probably the first international meeting specifically devoted to the Crystallography of Supramolecular Compounds. The presence of crystallographers, chemists and physicists enhanced the coherence of the typical sequence: Conception and Design - Synthesis - Structure and Visualisation - Properties. The interactive and interdisciplinary character of this research is central to the development of general structural models for a large spectrum of compounds: ionophores, cryptates, fullerenes, calixarenes, cyclodextrins, cyclotriveratrylenes, pillar type compounds, zeolites, hydrates, solvates and others.