Computer Assisted Learning : 4th International Conference, ICCAL '92, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17-20, 1992. Proceedi
ICCAL, the International Conference on Computers and
Learning, is a forum for the exchange of ideas and
presentation of developments in the theory andpractice of
computer uses in education, with a focus on post-secondary
education. ICCAL '92 was held at Acadia University in
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17-20, 1992.
This volume presents the proceedings of ICCAL '92, and
features 45 submitted and 6 invited papers. Topics addressed
include hypermedia systems, multimedia learning
environments, educational strategies, knowledge based
tutors, program visualization systems, intelligent tutoring
systems, mouse and touchscreen comparison, cooperative
multimedia, authoring systems, language learning, spelling
remediation, teaching geometry, a tutoring assistant for
arithmetic, a learning package for statistics,
conversational pattern learning, adaptive navigational
tools, and many more.