This edited collection develops a more balanced understanding of the dilemmas, challenges and opportunities associated with youth policy formulation and implementation in contemporary Saudi Arabia. It does so by considering the dilemmas, challenges and opportunities present in the contemporary Saudi sociopolitical, socioeconomic, and sociocultural spheres, as well as ways and means by which these can be addressed. Underpinning this is a comprehension of the necessity in understanding policies and processes as related to youth policy formulation and implementation. With regards to Saudi youth policy, decision makers want to be able to prioritize the most important issues. As such, policy and decision makers need ‘direction’ in terms of policy formulation, policy recommendations and policy implementation - that is, they are often searching for viable policies that resonate with young Saudis. Furthermore, lessons can be learnt from previous youth policy initiatives by asking: Why was thispolicy successful? If this policy failed, what were the reasons? Did this policy resonate with young nationals? This edited book unpacks the ways in which comprehending policies and processes are important for youth policy development and implementation in Saudi Arabia. It is relevant to policymakers, as well as scholars in Gulf Studies, and Middle Eastern Studies more broadly, as well as those in youth studies, area studies, and social studies.