Tuna noodle, broccoli cheese, shepherd’s pie? Sure, these stalwarts have a rich history and can be fashioned with panache. But, let’s admit it, they’re a little boring. To all who turn up their nose at casserole, please kiss my . . . casserole!
Why not look around the world and find inspiration? Ever try a Chinese shaguo? How about an Ethiopian wat? I'll bet you never even thought of cooking up an Icelandic Ofnsteiktur fiskur með lauk og osti! Now’s your chance!
Kiss My Casserole! to the rescue. This book updates, overhauls, and flies the humble casserole around the globe with delicious, simple, and innovative results. Accessible ingredients, familiar techniques, and a touch of the exotic will make you a star at the next office luncheon. Your colleagues will clamor for more! You’ll find easy-to-follow recipes for:
Southwest tomato tamale pie
Berlin sausage kraut casserole
Ghanaian yam casserole
Tuscan barley pilaf
Mumbai lamb biryani
Creole Cassoulet
Thai coconut chicken casserole
Crab scampi bake
Strawberry rhubarb crisp