This book summarizes allowable limits for over 1,100 chemicals (domestic and international) in workplace air, in ambient air, in water of various types, and in soils. It includes data from all pertinent states and 25 foreign countries and organizations.
It is unique in that, for the first time in any publication, a variety of data on a specific chemical is assembled in one place. Thus, one does not have to go to a variety of obscure reference sources for such data, but can get a panoramic view of the possible hazards associated with exposure to a single chemical, under various conditions, in one place.
The data in many cases are hard to obtain, not previously published, and have been assembled in a single reference source for easy use by the reader. They include recent inter-national data, checked by a visit to the United Nations information centers in Geneva, Switzerland in the months immediately before publication. They include very recent data from a variety of State agencies in the U.S.A., standards which have been established to safeguard the public health by many different agencies within the various states.