To succeed, businesses must keep up with the ever-changing technological landscape and constantly introduce new advancements. The rise of digitalization has wholly transformed how companies interact with their customers, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Marketing professionals are inundated with data and need guidance on leveraging it effectively to craft successful marketing strategies. Additionally, the ethical and privacy concerns surrounding the collection and use of customer data make the marketing landscape even more complex. Improving Service Quality and Customer Engagement With Marketing Intelligence is a groundbreaking book that offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges. This book is a must-read for marketing professionals, business owners, and students, providing a practical guide to navigating the digital age. It explores the impact of digitalization on marketing practices. It offers insights into customer behavior, equipping readers with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in today's competitive market. The book's interdisciplinary approach integrates insights from marketing, technology, data science, and ethics, giving readers a holistic understanding of marketing intelligence. With its timely and practical approach, Improving Service Quality and Customer Engagement With Marketing Intelligence is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their marketing efforts in the digital age. It features best practices, case studies, and step-by-step guides, empowering readers to make informed decisions prioritizing customer satisfaction and engagement. Reading this book will help you stay ahead of the curve and drive success in today's dynamic marketing landscape by bridging the gap between academia and industry.