Finally, a thoroughly modern guide to help women become Cannabis Sativa connoisseurs. Welcome to a wonderful examination of weed-a plant worthy of saving the planet and people's lives.",Greta Gaines, performing artist and TV hostCovering the aspects of cannabis that matter most to women, Mary Jane takes readers on a guided tour through the new world of marijuana, where using pot can be healthy, fun, stylish, and safe. In Mary Jane , marijuana expert Cheri Sicard reveals everything women have needed to know but may have been afraid to ask about using cannabis. Packed with everyday tips, topics include:How to Host a Pot PartyMedibles, Edibles, and Other Smoke-Free OptionsEasy Recipes for FoodiesBudding Beauty ProductsTaking Mary Jane to BedDeals and Steals for Your BudgetGotta-Have-It GadgetsGrow Your Own GardenRemedies for Everyday AilmentsMovies & MusicTravel TipsPot and ParentingDIY Pipes and ProjectsWhat the Celebs are Saying...and much more!