Digital Talent! Changing Rules! Intellect, Machines, AI, Automation, Disruptions determine this world of competencies - influenced by high performing behaviors. Talent performs best with world class Business Models, those that can attract and nurture top talent. Integrating business models with talent management platforms is a strategic step to win war for talent.The ON LINE Store, ?RforC ?, a Canadian E Commerce Store, specializes in ?on line? sales of Psychometric Tools, Tests (Aptitude, Vocational, Careers, Social Inventories, Intelligence, Attitude, Skill Tests, Stretch Tests, Potential Appraisal Techniques, Competencies, Personality, Behavioral Typologies), BARS Tools, Simulations, Assessment ? Development Center Materials, Tools such as Case Studies, In Baskets, Role Plays (Dyads, Triads, Groups), Organizational (Intra ? Inter) Evaluations, 360 Degree Feedback, Corporate Scan Scoring, Group Discussions, Learning Skills, Leaderless Exercises and simulations