The precise knowledge of production cross sections for
specific radionuclides for medium energies (10 MeV to 100
GeV) of the incident particle gains ever more importance,
not only for nuclear physics but also for many applications,
e.g. astrophysics, radiation protection at accelerators but
also on space flights, radioisotope techniques in medicine
and for industrial applications and perhaps even for the
removal of nuclear waste by accelerators.
Since the last systematic review of these production cross
sections in 1973 (LB I/5a, b, c) an impressive amount of new
experimental data has been accumulated.
In the present subvolume data for the production of
radioisotopes by medium energetic pions and antiprotons on
various targets are presented in tables and figures, the
latter showing the general trend of the cross sections and
can be more readily used for interpolations.
The origin of the authors made it possible to include also
data from the USSR and other East European states which
sometimes are not easy to access. The tables and figures
have been compiled with extraordinary care and should
present the most complete compilation for this type of
nuclear reactions.
General remarks on the accelerators used and other
experimental details are included for all subvolumes
excisting so far.