This volume contains the proceedings of the first ISSP International Symposium on the Physics and Chemistry of Organic Superconductors, which was held at the Komaba Eminence Hotel in Tokyo, August 28-30, 1989. This symposium was attended by 205 scientists from 12 countries. In total 106 papers were presented: 61 as posters, and 39 original papers and 6 review papers in oral sessions. Of these, 102 papers are included in these proceedings. These contributions cover the interdisciplinary field of physics and chemistry of organic superconductors with particular emphasis on the following subjects and materials: - superconducting properties, - spin density waves, - electronic and structural properties, - TMTSF salts and their derivatives, - BEDT -TTF salts and their derivatives, - metal coordinated organic conductors. The contributions to this volume are arranged in 11 categories. The Organizing Committee would like to acknowledge all participants, who contributed to the great success of this symposium on a growing field in both physics and chemistry. The editors express their gratitude to the members of the Organizing and Executive Committees for their cooperation. We also wish to thank Dr. H. Lotsch of Springer-Verlag for his management of the publication and Miss S. Shibata for her assistance in editing this volume.