A series of workshops devoted to modern cryptography began
in Santa Barbara,California in 1981 and was followed in
1982 by a European counterpart in Burg Feuerstein, Germany.
The series has been maintained with summer meetings in Santa
Barbara and spring meetings somewhere in Europe. At the 1983
meeting in Santa Barbara the International Association for
Cryptologic Research was launched and it now sponsors all
the meetings of the series. This volume presents the
proceedings of Eurocrypt '92, held in Hungary. The papers
are organized into the following parts: Secret sharing, Hash
functions, Block ciphers, Stream ciphers, Public key I,
Factoring, Trapdoor primes and moduli (panel report), Public
key II, Pseudo-random permutation generators, Complexity
theory and cryptography I, Zero-knowledge, Digital knowledge
and electronic cash, Complexity theory andcryptography II,
Applications, and selected papers from the rump session.
Following the tradition of the series, the authors produced
full papers after the meeting, in some cases with revisions.