Clojure is a relatively new version of Lisp that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. It's a functional language, which means that it's ideal for the growing need for concurrent programming and for specialized tasks like creating domain specific languages.
Clojure in Action, Second Edition is a fully-revised edition that covers the new features available in Clojure 1.5. This easy-to-follow tutorial provides a rapid introduction to the Clojure language and starts by showing how to use Clojure as a general purpose language. It looks at Clojure's efficient concurrency model, which is based on the familiar database concept of Software Transactional Memory (STM) and helps readers find a new level of productivity through Clojure DSLs that run on the JVM. Using this book, readers will discover countless tips, tricks, and techniques for writing smaller, faster, and safer code.
A complete tutorial, from basics to applied techniques
Easy to follow real-world applications
Numerous hands-on practical examples
This book is for programmers who have written code in languages like
Java or Ruby. Experience with Lisp is useful, but not necessary.
Clojure makes it easy and safe to write scalable, high-performance
programs for multi-core computers, cloud-based applications, and
large scale distributed systems. Clojure is also well suited to writing
business tools like domain specific languages, another current trend.
Because it runs on the JVM, Clojure gives programmers instant access
to thousands of Java-based libraries and frameworks.