Bob Warren has given us a c:onstruction management book with a mission: to ensure that the "People Quotient" is hlctored into all bc:ets of project management and job-site performanc:e. Warren demonstrates the importanc:e of respect for every naftsman's individual worth and of empathy for the c:onclitions surrounding c:onstruction employment. He outlines the motivational forces that achieve highest pro ductivity and, at the same time, displays on every page a broad generosity of spirit along with keen analytical powers. Clearly, the book is the fi-uit of the author's own years of ex perienc:e in the field. I am proud to say that 13 of those years were spent with Fluor Daniel, so that I c:an vouc:h personally for his ac:umen and leadership in project management. I c:ommend this hook most heartily to my colleagues, dients, and c:ompetitors throughout the construction industry. It should be on the shelf of every c:aring manager who wants, not only to get the best out of his workforc:e, but also to acc:omplish the best for the members of that work forc:e as individual human beings.