The eleventhAdvancedS tudyInstitute(ASI) on Techniquesand Con- ceptsof High Energy Physics marks thetransitionfrom anextraordinary centuryof scienceto one thatwill surely bring wonderswe can scarcely imagine.It also marks a transitionfrom its founder,theinimitableTom Ferbel,to its newdirectors . We are honoredto have beenasked to con- tinue the venerabletraditionthat Tom established. The school is his distinctivecreation , and will always bearhis mark. The 2000 meetingwas held at the Hotel on the Cay in St. Croix. It is an ideal location: sufficientlysecluded to inspire a vigorous but informal intellectualatmosphere,yet closeenough to the main island to afford opportunitiesto mingle with the locals and partakeof their hospitality.Altogether 76 physicistsboth young, and not so young, par- ticipatedfrom 18 count r ies . Forthe first time, this meetingattract ed a substantialnumber of studentsfrom EasternEurope, all of whom were warmly welcomed.The bulk of thefinancialsupportfor themeetingwas providedby the ScientificAffairs Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO). The ASI was co-sponsoredby the U .S.
Depart- ment of Energy (DOE) , by the Fermi National Ac celeratorLaboratory (Fermilab), by the U.S . NationalS cien ceFoundation(NSF ), the Univer- sity of Rochester , Florida State University (FSU) and the Institutefor Theoreticaland ExperimentalPhysics (ITEP , Moscow). As is the tradition , the scientificprogramwas designedfor advanced graduatestudentsand recentPhD recipientsin experimentalparticle physics. The present volume covers topics that updateand comple- ment those published (by Plenum and Kluw er) for the first ten ASIs. The materi al in this volume shou ld be of interest to a wide audience of physicists.