Meta-Programming in Logic : Third International Workshop, META-92, Uppsala, Sweden, June 10-12, 1992. Proceedings
This volume contains lectures and papers delivered at Meta
92, the Third International Workshop on Metaprogramming in
Logic, held in Uppsala, Sweden,June 1992. The topics
covered include foundations of metaprogramming in logic,
proposals for metaprogramming languages, techniques for
knowledgerepresentation and belief systems, and program
transformation and analysis in logic.
Particular topics include belief revision systems,
intensionaldeduction, belief systems and metaprogramming,
principles of partial deduction, termination in logic
programs, semantics of the "vanilla" metainterpreter, a
complete resolution method for metaprogramming, semanticsof
"demo", hierarchical metalogics, the naming relation in
metalevel systems, modules, reflective agents, compiler
optimizations, metalogic and object-oriented facilities,
parallel logic languages, the use of metaprogramming for
legal reasoning, representing objects and inheritance,
transformation of normal programs, negation in automatically
generated logic programs, reordering of literals in
deductive databases, abstract interpretations, and
interarguments in constraint logic programs.