I have had, as I am sure most of you have, experiences we laughingly refer to as "senior moments." Times when I can't find my car keys, walk into a room and can't remember why I came into it, or am at a loss for the name of someone who is really near and dear. Now that I am a senior, I find those incidents more than a little frightening. What if they are more than just my poor, tired brain calling a time out? Maybe that is why I love writing short stories, articles and books so much. It give me the chance to leave a "piece" of my mind in something that will perhaps be around long after I am. These are stories about Alzheimer's disease. It is a devastataing disease. Yet I have gathered stories and incidents - upbeat, funny stories and inspiring - from people who are living with it every day. I hope these will bring a smile and even a laugh or two and a little "peace" of mind to the families of Alzheimer's victims. And I hope they will encourage the rest of us to be supportive.