The main claim of this book is that President Donald Trump's political approach, which embraced radical views of executive power, paved the way for an authoritarian 'semi-democratic' regime. The analysis argues that there is a real possibility that such a regime could arise when, in around 2050, the present 'white' majority of voters, currently holding most of the nation's wealth and power, will become a minority. From this perspective, the book examines the reckless use of the U.S. Constitution made by Trump's presidency through use of executive orders as a strategy to bypass the legislative process and, more generally, the rule of law, as typified by the use of so-called defence funds for the construction of the border wall with Mexico; the travel ban; and the attempt to undermine the institutions that are at the heart of any functioning democratic society. In so doing, this piece sheds light on several weaknesses of the U.S. democracy, due to inadequate mechanisms of 'defence' (its 'antibodies'), and points out some bolsters that may reinforce the democratic system.