Recent scientific literature has expanded our understanding of concussions. Some of these advances include systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials that have and will continue to change concussion management. Now in its fully revised and expanded second edition, this book provides primary care physicians and clinicians with an evidence-based yet practical approach to diagnosing and treating concussions in children and adults.
One of the most major updates is the inclusion of the just published 6th International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sports. Many methodological advances were made in the consensus process including anonymous voting, summaries of alternate viewpoints, declarations of conflicts of interest in the open conference, plus inclusion of the athlete voice, para sport considerations and ethical perspectives. The Concussion in Sport Group’s definition of concussion was also updated while work continues towards a unified conceptual and operational definition. The Concussion Recognition Tool-6 (CRT6), Sport Concussion Assessment Tool-6 (SCAT6) and Child SCAT6 provide updated iterations of the acute sport-related concussion (SRC) tools best used in the first 72 hours (and up to 1 week) after injury. New office tools, the Sport Concussion Office Assessment Tool-6 (SCOAT6) and Child SCOAT6, were designed to better guide evaluation and management in an office setting from 72 hours after injury and for serial evaluations in the following weeks. The overlap between the SCAT6 and SCOAT6 is intentional and designed to facilitate easy transitions across tools.
The book consists of twelve chapters, all of which have been fully revised and updated. The return-to-learn and return-to-sport strategies in particular have been thoroughly updated based on evolving evidence. Concussion diagnosis and management in para athletes has also been an evolving area that was not previously discussed in the first edition. Thoughthe data is limited, requiring further research and dedicated clinical recommendations, it is an important update to the literature. Sport-specific strategies recommended as concussion prevention interventions include policy or rule changes reducing collisions, neuromuscular training in warm-ups, mouthguard use in ice hockey and implementation of optimal concussion management strategies to reduce recurrent concussion rates.
The potential long-term effects of SRC and repetitive head impacts are areas of ongoing public health interest and concern among healthcare professionals. Written from the unique perspective of a primary care physician who also specializes in sports medicine and concussions, Concussion Management for Primary Care, 2e serves as a valuable resource for primary care physicians, sports medicine physicians and any other clinician treating patients suffering from a possible concussion.