Are you an aspiring private practice lactation consultant or have you recently started a lactation consulting business? If so, this is the book for you! Author Kathy Parkes, MSN-ED, BSPsy, RN, IBCLC, RLC, FILCA, has successfully started and run two successful lactation consulting businesses. In this book, she shares her knowledge of everything you need to know to start a business. At the end of each chapter is a self-check. By the time you reach the end of the book, you've got enough information on the self-checks to write your business plan. Ms. Parkes surveyed 50 private practice lactation consultants. Their insights appear throughout the book in boxes labeled "Experienced LCs Share." Chapter Thirteen is entirely devoted to what they would have done differently if they were starting over. Everything from where to locate your business to tax issues to social media, advertising, and marketing is covered in this book. Plus the author discusses the importance of self-care when you are a business owner to prevent burnout. The Appendices include information on breastfeeding organizations, state coalitions, research sites, email lists and blogs, and where to purchase various breastfeeding supplies. To have a successful business, you need to know everything about the business. This book is your how-to guide!