Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence : First International Conference, PReMI 2005, Kolkata, India, December 20-22, 2005,
CSCR, which is the ?rst nationalcenter in the countryin this domain,has many important objectives including distance learning, establishing linkage to premier institutes/industries, organizing specialized courses, as well as conducting f- damental research. The conference proceedings of PReMI-05, containing rigorouslyreviewed - pers, is published by Springer in its prestigious Lecture Notes in Computer S- ence (LNCS) series. Di?erent professional sponsors and funding agencies (both national and international) came forward to support this event for its success. These include, International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR); Web IntelligenceConsortium(WIC); Institute ofElectricalandElectronics Engine- ing (IEEE): International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA), France;Webel,GovernmentofWestBengalITCompany;DepartmentofScience & Technology (DST), India; Council of Scienti?c & Industrial Research (CSIR), India.Toencourageparticipationofbrightstudentsandyoungresearchers,some fellowships were provided. I believe the participants found PReMI-05 an academically memorable and intellectually stimulating event.
It enabled young researchers to interact and establish contacts with well-known experts in the ?eld I hope that you have all enjoyed staying in Calcutta (now Kolkata), the city of Joy.