Fitness and nutrition can often seem very complex subjects and many experts will tell you that you must spend inordinate amounts of money to join gyms, follow complex diets and take up convoluted exercise programmes. In this book, author Patrick Dale provides an alternative no-frills approach to health and exercise that requires little or no equipment and is guaranteed to be just as effective as far more complicated exercise routines. Written from experience, the book contains field-tested information that is surprisingly simple but nonetheless effective. Its wide-ranging and accessible approach to nutrition will help the reader make informed decisions about what to eat for health and weight control without the need for faddy diets or expensive supplements. The book also contains a comprehensive exercise library, workout templates, a twelve-week exercise programme and advice on buying and making your own workout equipment, in order to help you to do more with less and become a healthier, fitter you without spending a fortune or making healthy living a chore!