The fourth edition of Pathology of Asbestos-Associated Diseases builds on the success of the previous editions by fully updating knowledge on diagnostic and epidemiologic aspects and presenting important new insights derived from new epidemiologic studies and animal studies. This book is the primary text related to the pathology of asbestos-associated disease. Background information is first provided on the mineralogy of asbestos, occupational and environmental exposure, and asbestos bodies. The various diseases associated with asbestos exposure are then considered in turn, with detailed description and illustration of pathologic features as well as extensive discussion of etiology, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Further chapters are devoted to cytopathology, experimental models of disease, analysis of tissue mineral fiber content, and medicolegal issues. It will also discuss the medicolegal aspects of asbestos-related diseases from both a plaintiff's attorney's perspective as well as a defendant's attorney's perspective. All chapters will be updated to match the current understanding of asbestos-related disease, and will include new research based on current issues concerning possible contamination of talc with asbestos. This new edition also considers the role of non-asbestiform cleavage fragments in disease pathogenesis.
Written by experts in the diagnostic, epidemiologic, and medicolegal aspects of asbestos-related diseases, this book helps readers understand how different types of asbestos fibers contribute to disease pathogenesis and in determining causation of disease in specific cases. Written by experts This book will be an essential reference for pathologists and an invaluable source of information for pulmonologists, radiologists, and occupational medical practitioners.