Educating the Engineer of 2020 is grounded by the observations, questions,
and conclusions presented in the best-selling book The Engineer of 2020:
Visions of Engineering in the New Century. This new book offers recommendations
on how to enrich and broaden engineering education so graduates
are better prepared to work in a constantly changing global economy. It
notes the importance of improving recruitment and retention of students
and making the learning experience more meaningful to them. It also discusses
the value of considering changes in engineering education in the
broader context of enhancing the status of the engineering profession and
improving the public understanding of engineering. Although certain basics
of engineering will not change in the future, the explosion of knowledge,
the global economy, and the way engineers work will reflect an ongoing
evolution. If the United States is to maintain its economic leadership and be
able to sustain its share of high-technology jobs, it must prepare for this
wave of change.Table of Contents
Front Matter
Executive Summary
1 Phase I Revisited
2 The Past as Prologue
3 Getting to 2020: Guiding Strategies
4 Guideposts to the Future
5 Recommendations
Appendix A: Papers Prepared as Input to the Summit
Appendix B: Written Remarks Provided by Several Summit Speakers
Appendix C: NAE Engineer of 2020 National Education Summit