Rewriting Techniques and Applications : 10th International Conference, RTA'99, Trento, Italy, July 2-4, 1999, Proceedings
This volume contains the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on RewritingTechniques andApplicationsheldfromJuly2-4,1999inTrento, Italy, as part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'99). The RTAconferences are dedicated to all aspects of term, string and graph rewriting as well as their applications such as lambda calculi, theorem-proving, functional programming, decision procedures. The program committee selected 23 papers as well as 4 system descriptions from 53 submissions of overall high quality (46 regular papers and 7 systems descriptions). The papers cover awide range of topics: constraint solving, ter- nation,deductionandhigher-orderrewriting,graphs,complexity,tree automata, context-sensitive rewriting, string rewriting and numeration systems::: by - thors from countries including: France, Germany, India,Israel, Italy,Japan, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, USA. B. Courcelle (Univ. Bordeaux) and F. Otto (Univ. Kassel) presented - vited talks, on graph grammars and connections between rewriting and formal language theory respectively. F. van Raamsdonk (CWI, Amsterdam) gave an invited tutorial on higher-order rewriting.
Wewouldliketothanktheexternalreviewersfortheircontributiontoprep- ing the program and Horatiu Cirstea for his help in maintaining the web server of the program committee.