Many people have contributed to the production of this book, and I wish to acknowledge the following colleagues who have, over the past 15 years, contributed much discussion, preprints, thin sections, rock samples, and unpublished and/or difficult-to- obtain information: Steve Bergman, Roger Clement, Howard Coopersmith, Barry Dawson, Alan Edgar, Tony Erlank, Steve Haggerty, Barry Hawthorne, Bram Janse, Viktoria Komilova, Sergei Kostrovitskii, Henry Meyer, Peter Nixon, Nick Rock, Mike Skinner, Patricia Sheahan, Simon Shee, Barbara Scott Smith, Andy Spriggs, Ken Tainton, Larry Taylor, Nikolai Vladykin, Allan Woolley, and Peter Wyllie. Special thanks go to Henry Meyer, for providing many hours of microprobe time at Purdue University, and to Mike Skinner, for samples and the opportunity to examine the Anglo-American Research Laboratory collection of orangeites. Particular thanks are expressed to Ken Tainton for permission to quote data from his Ph.D. thesis. Particular gratitude is expressed to Sam Spivak for drafting and photographic work and to Anne Hammond for preparing many polished thin sections of these difficult rocks.
Their dedication, skills, and attention to detail are greatly appreciated by the author. Others from Lakehead University who helped materially during the production of this work include Reino Viitala (thin sections), Alan MacKenzie (electron microscopy), and Shelley Moogk-Pickard (trace element analysis). Carl Hager is thanked for assistance in using the Purdue microprobe.