In Paint Your Hair Blue, Sue Matthews takes you through the heartwarming tale of heroic courage and devastating blows that characterized her daughter Taylor's odyssey through the underfunded world of pediatric cancer. This book serves in equal portions as an inspiring tale of the power of love and determination, and a cautionary tale of the need for parents and all caregivers to be their own advocates. It will empower you, no matter what your circumstance, to take control of your own destiny.
Most of us will be touched by cancer in some way during our lifetimes. The reader will discover how Taylor and her family learned to balance the necessity of her continuous medical treatments with the need for her to be a kid and live as normally as possible. You will gather dozens of tips and pointers, gleaned by trial and error, about navigating the maze of pediatric oncology through the lens of a layperson and better understand how to face fears with strength, fortitude and confidence while living life to the fullest. Sue and her sister Andrea will make you a better warrior in the war on cancer with this story of survival, where love transcends all and where every moment is a celebration of life.