Beginning and well-seasoned researchers alike face significant challenges in understanding the complexities of research designs arising from both within and across methodological paradigms, and in applying them in ways that maximise impact on knowledge, practice, and policy. This volume engages educational and social researchers in a scholarly debate offering some crucial re-interpretations of established research methodologies in light of contemporary conditions and critical introduction to some contemporary research approaches yet to gain general recognition.
This book is a contemporary vademecum for researchers, practitioners and graduate students on research methodologies and designs for educational and social change in today’s world.
The chapters chart and analyse the conceptual and practical complexities of a variety research designs for contemporary educational and social work research.
This anthology, taken overall, provides readers with the knowledge and understanding needed not only to design technically sound and coherent research studies, but also to develop methodologically innovative research projects that cross the boundaries between different methodological traditions to the benefit of scholarship, policy, and practice.
The chapters cover nine research approaches:
- Design-based research
- Action research
- Ethnomethodological research
- Negotiated ethnography
- Arts-informed research
- Historical analysis and postcolonial scholarship
- Policy analysis
- Comparative research
- Quantitative modelling of correlational and multi-level data
The book provides a critical discussion of epistemological questions and methodological frontiers:
- Knowledge and epistemology in scholarship, practice and policy
- Digital knowledge and digital research
- Emerging methodological challenges for educational research
- Challenges and futures for social work and social policy research methods
- Methodology and the knowledge industry