Ricardo Baroudi During the 10 years since liposuction was intro followed by all plastic surgeons, as they were duced to the world of plastic surgery, new hori considered safe practice. zons have appeared with regard to the aesthetic Suddenly, however, no more than a year ago, aspects of body contouring. Patients were en the International Plastic Surgery Society started couraged by the absence of scars, the good re to hear from a young Roman plastic surgeon, sults, the speed of recovery, and the safe condi Marco Gasparotti, regarding a procedure called tions. superficial liposculpture that he had been per As with any new procedure, the initial eu forming since 1982. Superficial liposculpture is phoria subsided. It became apparent that lipo- , completely opposite to the traditional teachings pIa sty could not be used in all cases, and it could ! of the plastic surgery community. Gasparotti had not substitute for traditional surgery. Upon re- ' accumulated almost 10~rs of personal experi view of the limitations and the possibilities, these ence before his discovery by the outside world. two surgeries have come to be used in combina- , Although there were a small number of isolated tion or alone depending on the surgical situation. personal communications in various countries, The quality of care again improved. nothing evolved at a global level.