This SpringerBrief provides an interdisciplinary synthesis based on psychology, logic, mathematics, cognitive science, and the history of science. It presents psychology as a science that suffers from a reduced understanding of the most fundamental logic in our practical-bodily encounters with the world, including with our fellow human beings. The Brief offers a new “dual” logic that is based on the duality between identification and description of objects, including persons. The Brief ties in modern mathematics as a tool that can be used to catch this duality in a precise manner.
Featured topics in this Brief include:
- The emergence of Mechanism.
- The duality in animal and human subject-object relations.
- Psychology’s compatibility with natural sciences.
- Four cornerstones of modern mathematics.
- The Extensional Method.
A New Logical Foundation for Psychology will be
of interest to psychologist, philosophers, and mathematicians concerned with basic theoretical and methodological problems.