Nitric Oxide in Transplant Rejection and Anti-Tumor Defense represents a unique combination of three interrelated topics that is unavailable in any other single work:
The detection and visualization of nitric oxide in biological materials using EPR spectroscopy and EPR imaging;
Nitric oxide in immune mechanisms of allograft rejection; and
The involvement of nitric oxide in anti-tumor defense.
By bringing together specialists from these three disciplines, the book investigates the common molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying phenomena in transplants and oncology. In addition, the book provides an introduction to biological applications of EPR spectroscopy and imaging.
Nitric Oxide in Transplant Rejection and Anti-Tumor Defense will appeal to researchers and graduate-level students investigating transplant rejections and their immune mechanisms, anti-tumor immune defenses, novel types of contrast agents for EPR imaging, and biological applications of EPR spectroscopy and EPR imaging.