The 14th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2010) took place during December 14–17, 2010 in Tozeur, Tunisia. It continued a tradition of successful conferences; Chantilly (1997), Amiens (1998), Hanoi (1999), Paris (2000), Mexico (2001), Reims (2002), La Martinique (2003), Gre- ble (2004), Pisa (2005), Bordeaux (2006), Guadeloupe (2007), Luxor (2008) and Nˆ?mes (2009). The OPODIS conference constitutes an open forum for the exchange of sta- of-the-art knowledge on distributed computing and systems among researchers from around the world. Following the tradition of the previous events, the p- gram was composed of high-quality contributed papers. The program call for papers looked for original and signi?cant research contributions to the theory, speci?cation, design and implementation of distributed systems, including: – Communication and synchronization protocols – Distributed algorithms, multiprocessor algorithms – Distributed cooperative computing – Embedded systems – Fault-tolerance, reliability, availability – Grid and cluster computing – Location- and context-aware systems – Mobile agents and autonomous robots – Mobile computing and networks – Peer-to-peer systems, overlay networks – Complexity and lower bounds – Performance analysis of distributed systems – Real-time systems – Security issues in distributed computing and systems – Sensor networks: theory and practice – Speci?cation and veri?cation of distributed systems – Testing and experimentation with distributed systems In response to this call for papers, 122 papers were submitted. Each paper was reviewed by at least three reviewers, and judged according to scienti?c and p- sentation quality, originality and relevance to theconference topics.