Are high Dividend Yield, low Price / Earnings (P/E) ratio, and low Price / Earnings to Growth (PEG) ratio good indicators of future share price performance -- as conventional wisdom would suggest? Did high yield stocks (the Yield Stars) perform much better than low yield stocks (the Yield Dogs) in recent years? Did low P/E stocks (the P/E Stars) perform much better than high P/E stocks (the P/E Dogs)? What about PEG Stars vs. PEG Dogs? In this book I put company fundamentals on trial, using real historic data and specially annotated charts as evidence. In weighing up the evidence I consider whether the buy-and-hold investor had any advantage over the market timer, and whether stock picking would have been more effective than index investing. "Great book for traders. The research is outstanding and spot-on" - Jason Starzec, Online resources at