This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the 2024 elections to the European Parliament, the first to be held since Brexit, COVID, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It offers a clear, concise and timely appraisal of the key issues raised in the elections both at the EU level and in each of the Member States. Part 1 begins with an overview of how controversial holding elections to a supranational EU parliament was in1979, before exploring how the changing dynamics and challenges of political engagement in the EU were addressed in 2024 following the Conference on the Future of Europe. Strategies to mobilise voters, the role of supranational European parties and manifestos in 2024 are examined. Part 2 focuses on the elections in the twenty-seven Member States. Each chapter puts the elections of the state into context. The electoral rules, election campaigns, turnout and results, and the implications for domestic and EU level politics are outlined and evaluated. The book concludes with an assessment of what the results may indicate for democracy in the EU.