The field of adolescent dermatology is a growing topic amongst pediatricians and adolescent medicine providers. There are numerous conditions specific to the adolescent population that require specialized care. This book details the diagnosis and management of a variety of adolescent skin diseases. The text is organized into eight different sections. The first section describes the most common conditions seen in the adolescent population, acne and perioral dermatitis. Sections two and three cover cutaneous infections and infestations and eczematous papulosquamous issues. The fourth section focuses on autoimmune and rheumatologic conditions while part five provides reactions to external causes. The final three sections detail genodermatoses and genetic conditions in dermatology, tumors and nodular lesions and lymphocytic disorders.
Since publication of the previous edition, there have been several important developments in the field. One major issue that was not addressed is skin cancer in adolescents. Due to tanning beds and other factors, the prevalence of skin cancer in adolescents is rising. Various diagnoses and managements are addressed. Infections from body art such as tattoos and piercings is also a hot topic that has been added. The number of youths getting tattoos and piercings has also risen and subsequently so have complications from them.
Now fully revised and expanded. The Atlas of Adolescent Dermatology is a valuable resource for dermatologists, adolescent medicine specialists, family medicine practitioners, and primary care physicians.