The Internet is the most important global infrastructure in the digital economy era. Its role has shifted from simple information exchange to support all kinds of novel scenarios and applications. Considering the diverse communication requirements, the development trend of the future network should support various addressing methods, such as IP address, identity, service, content, geographical location, and other potential communication modes. Therefore, a co-governed, secure, and evolvable novel network architecture is indispensable.
This Open Access book focuses on Co-Governed Multi-Identifier Network (CoG-MIN), a promising future network architecture that provides an ecological solution for the sustainable evolution of packet networks. The design of CoG-MIN follows three main principles: blockchain-based global co-governed among top-level domains, endogenous network security, and sustainable evolution.
CoG-MIN aims to promote peaceful, orderly, secure, and sustainable development for the global computer network. It will end the gridlock in which network systems need to be continuously upgraded due to the exponential scale expansion of addressing and routing on the current network layer. In other words, CoG-MIN enables a variety of networks to coexist and transition naturally. This will save countless establishment costs and take advantage of existing network equipment and devices. This book provides important reference materials about the mentioned topic for the research of computer network, network security, network communication, and other disciplines.