This volume investigates governance and management of higher education through the lens of the academic profession. Drawing on data from the Academic Profession in the Knowledge-based Society project, an international collaborative research study involving the administration of a common survey to faculty in more than twenty countries, this volume explores important issues of governance and management in relation to, and frequently from the perspective of, the academic profession. It analyzes the complex inter-relationships and intersections between decision processes and structures at both the system and institutional levels and the experiences and perceptions of the academics who play a central role in fulfilling the mission of higher education. Theoretical chapters review key concepts that have grounded the analysis of external (system-level) and internal (institution-level) governance, while the core chapters provide original empirical research, many involving comparative studies, exploring key challenges such as managerialism, gender, shifts in faculty perceptions of influence, and the importance of communication and institutional leadership.
Chapter 4,10,11 and 12 of this book are available open access under a CC BY 4.0 license at